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Long vining succulent with delicate green leaves. Looks great when used with a trellis.


Botanical Name: Cissus tuberosa

Common Name: Succulent grape

Family: Vitaceae

Native to: Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua


*This plant may go into a winter dormancy and lose its leaves. New growth should appear in the spring.


Arrives in a 3.5" nursery pot if purchased on its own. Visit our Pots Page to view and purchase pot options.


*Considered non-toxic to pets and children. The sap can cause mild skin irritations for some individuals.


    Give these plants as much bright indirect light as possible! It can tolerate and will benefit from early morning sun but leaves can burn in harsh direct afternoon sun. Windows are the best location for these light-loving plants to be. Rotate often.


    Allow top half of soil to dry out between watering. Thoroughly water the soil, enough to allow water to run through the pot. Make sure your plant is in a pot with fast-draining cactus/succulent soil and has good drainage.


    This plant is considered non-toxic to people and pets but may cause mild skin irritation for some individuals.

  • TIPS

    • Use a trellis to wind fast-growing vines around.
    • Use cactus/succulent potting mix when re-potting.
    • Keep away from harsh direct sun.
    • This plant may go into a winter dormancy and lose its leaves. Don't worry, your plant has hasn't died. Reduce watering and pause any fertilizing until you see signs of growth in the spring.
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