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This easy to care for plant is very tolerant of most environments. Dracaena are also great at cleaning the air!


Scientific Name: Dracaena Asst.

Asparagaceae Family


Native to Madagascar


Arrives in a 4" nursery pot. *While this plant is considered non-toxic to humans, it is toxic to cats and dogs.


    Thrives in indirect bright to moderate light, can tolerate low-light but growth will be slower and leaves will be less colorful. Leaves can burn in direct sunlight. 


    Wait to water the plant until the soil is dry to at least halfway down. Brown tips can be a sign of overwatering or too much fluoride/salt in the water. Be sure to use distilled water as these plants are very sensitive to fluoride.  

  • TIPS

    • Slow growers.
    • Does not like fluoride in water
    • Sensitive to some fertilizers, although these plants do not need to be fertilized often. Use a gentle fertilizer or worm castings to provide an extra nutrient bump in the spring or summer.  

    Non-toxic to humans. Toxic to cats and dogs.

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